Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The 3rd day of our vacation at Laguna Beach

We woke up to the sun shining, the waves crashing, no wind at all, and happy smiling kids faces, they couldn't wait to race out the door to the beach, we rented a boogie board and had a really great time relaxing and enjoying each other all day long!
The weather was sunny, the water was warm, the sand was hot and the kids were adorable to watch!
Rob zooming in on a wave as I was taking a picture of Canada jumping over waves!

Rob played in the waves on the boogie board for hours!

Maddison was really sweet helping Boss with his sandcastles all afternoon, she chatted on her phone with her friends back home walking up and down the beach, it was so typical of her age!

The beach was not even that crouded, but I loved people watching and watching people watch people, so fun!
Run from those waves...
Boston found this feather and thought is was so cool!

Shell hunting went on all day!
Our little teenager Maddison, she is such a fun age!
Sisters :)Canada loved finding shells, she filled that basket by the end of the day.
Boston wrote his name in the sand...

The family.... We walked up to have lunch at Taco Bell, we were all so hungry it tasted so good, we relaxed and ate cheesy natchos and fruit juice, it was nice!
My girls are so precious to me, the day could not have been better! I love the beach, and the town Laguna!