Monday, April 20, 2009

Family day at Lucky Peak April 17th 2009

Canada rocking out that carwheel

The kids played in the sand and had a great time!
I loved just watching the kids explore and enjoy the day!
Malibu loved our day at Lucky Peak, she called it the "Ocean" it was so cute, our shells from California were in our sandcastle basket so we put them in the water for her to find and she had a ball.
We brought a huge picnic lunch, and we snacked and snacked...
Boss Man

Maddi loves this book, she is reading it for the fourth time...
Malibu made a little friend, her name was Jasmine, they were the same age and had the same vocabulary, they laughed and ran around, in and out of the water together all afternoon!

Malibu was just all over the place...

Daddy played catch with Boss and Canada for hours, they loved it and caught almost every pass!
I love hot sunny days together!

Maddi and Mommy packing up and getting ready to head home...
I am a bikini Momma, sorry if it bugs you, I was raised in Hawaii right on the ocean, as a child I didn't even wear a bikini top most of the time, just bottoms, so at least my kids have a little bit more Malibu looks like a little baywatch babe walking up the beach in that shot, she was actually telling me to stop taking pictures of her and was getting tired and grumpy then, she is too funny!
Malibu was buggin Maddi all day, flicking sand in her face, sitting on top of her, and just sneaking up behind her and annoyingly touching her. Funny little sister.
Relaxing in the hot sun! It was a great day...